
Exquisite template

Computer display effect

Mobile display effect

Computer display effect

Mobile display effect

Computer display effect

Hover Box Element

Computer display effect

Hover Box Element

Extreme Edition (adaptive version)

  • You can build a website by typing
  • Immediately change the effect of the website and perceive it in real time
  • No need to design to meet your various needs

Extreme Edition (Overseas)

  • You can build a website by typing
  • Immediately change the effect of the website and perceive it in real time
  • No need to design to meet your various needs

What you need is a network-wide marketing enterprise website

Low cost, easy promotion, more traffic, quick results, more consultations, more transactions

Customers fully trust you

The strong sensory impact of the corporate website enhances the company’s image strength, and the extremely selling product display highlights the selling points and impresses customers.

More customers find you quickly

New artificial intelligence SEO optimization, cloud ranking, cloud promotion, cloud optimization
From the inside to the outside of the station, seize the homepage of the top 5 search engines, Xia Gai has more than 60+ business platforms
Multi-platform, diversification, improve the company’s website ranking and traffic flow
Powerful promotion methods + super marketing tools to expand customer flow and order volume

Rapid expansion of sales network

The new “distributor franchise + secondary cashback” model system
Unlimited development downstream, let your distributors all over the world;

High conversion rate of real-time interactive communication

Convenient customer service communication tool, real-time interactive consultation,
Rapidly improve the inquiry rate and transaction conversion rate of the company’s website;

Super e-commerce management detonates transaction volume

Powerful commodity management, e-commerce functions such as group buying to promote high sales
Convenient and fast shopping cart and payment method to promote transactions, traffic,
Statistical analysis of performance is under control;

Strengthen customer retention and continue to grow profits

Customer management, maintenance, and care are all-round, integrating efficient interactive marketing tools
Deeply tap the potential value of new and old customers to promote customers’ continuous consumption

Enterprise website building not only gives you these, but also more…

Enterprise website free upgrade

Marketing functions and plug-ins are continuously updated and developed every month

Free professional training

Enterprise website building, WeChat marketing, e-commerce and other Internet value-added training

7*24 hours quick response

400 telephone, QQ, WeChat, online and other multi-channel corporate website after-sales support

Core strengths

Low cost, fast site building, strong marketing; super cost-effective, more high-end

Enterprise website purchase

Basic version: supports PC stations, mobile stations, WeChat public accounts and small programs, does not support APP, is mainly used to display information, and has no transaction function. More suitable for some official website display.
Standard version: supports PC stations, mobile stations, WeChat official accounts and applets, does not support APP, includes all functions of the basic version, supports transaction functions, and has no marketing functions. It is suitable for scenarios with fewer website products, such as studios.
Marketing version: supports PC stations, mobile stations, WeChat public accounts, applets and APPs, includes all functions of the standard version, improves product management functions, and adds Marketing tools, SMS WeChat notifications and mini program publishing functions. Suitable for shopping mall websites, school websites, travel websites, etc.
PRO version: Based on the function of marketing version, the promotion function is added

Enterprise website

Comparison of detailed parameters of functions

standard edition

  • Overseas space: ¥+100/year, no need for ICP filing
  • Space size 15G
  • One free English .com domain name in the first year
  • Monthly traffic: 120G
  • Number of uploaded files: 15000
  • Remove bottom copyright√
  • Domain Binding: 58
  • Number of pages: unlimited
  • Cloud ranking: × Top 5 search engines direct to the official website
  • Cloud Promotion: × Covering over 60 mainstream b2b platforms
  • Cloud optimization: × Continuous optimization to ensure a stable ranking
  • Cloud report: × ranking and exposure are automatically updated daily
  • Cloud substations: 50 substations of the provincial capital version:¥+1580.00 300 substations of the national version:¥+2580.00 Hundreds of master station avatars, covering provincial capitals and cities across the country, more customers can search

Marketing Edition

  • Overseas space: ¥+100/year, no need for ICP filing
  • Space size 30G
  • One free English .com domain name in the first year
  • Monthly traffic: 250G
  • Number of uploaded files: 60000
  • Remove bottom copyright√
  • Domain name binding: 60
  • Number of pages: unlimited
  • Cloud ranking: × Top 5 search engines direct to the official website
  • Cloud Promotion: × Covering over 60 mainstream b2b platforms
  • Cloud optimization: × Continuous optimization to ensure a stable ranking
  • Cloud report: × ranking and exposure are automatically updated daily
  • Cloud substations: 50 substations of the provincial capital version:¥+1580.00 300 substations of the national version:¥+2580.00 Hundreds of master station avatars, covering provincial capitals and cities across the country, more customers can search

PRO version

  • Overseas space: ¥+100/year, no need for ICP filing
  • Space size 30G
  • One free English .com domain name in the first year
  • Monthly traffic: 250G
  • Number of uploaded files: 60000
  • Remove bottom copyright√
  • Domain name binding: 60
  • Number of pages: unlimited
  • Cloud ranking: √ 10 keywords for 2 products, 30 keywords for 5 products, 100 keywords for 10 products, 300 keywords for 20 products
  • Cloud Promotion: √ Covering over 60 mainstream b2b platforms
  • Cloud optimization: √ Continuous optimization to ensure a stable ranking
  • Cloud report: √ Ranking and exposure are automatically updated daily
  • Cloud substations: 50 substations of the provincial capital version:¥+1580.00 300 substations of the national version: ¥+2580.00 Hundreds of master station avatars, covering provincial capitals and cities across the country, more customers can search
modulefunctionsubfunctionExperience versionBasic editionStandard editionMarketing editionSupreme edition
priceDomestic version: 498
Overseas edition: 798
Domestic version: 980
Overseas version: 1080
Domestic edition: 1880
Overseas Edition: 1980
Domestic version: 2880
Overseas version: 2980
planSpace size (SiteStar)6G8G15G30G30G
Monthly Traffic (SiteStar)10G60G120G250G250G
Number of uploaded Files (SiteStar)2007000150006000060000
Remove bottom copyright
Domain binding (SiteStar)216586060
Number of pages (SiteStar)10
Technical support
Wechat mini program
Alipay mini program
Baidu mini program
Bytedance applet
Complimentary second-level domain name
Designer model
Text and text
Video (Video+ + player offline)
Navigation barDefault page type
Custom type
Super large screen custom navigation
Html code
General column
Shopping cart
Module animation effectText, picture, text, navigation, buttons support setting the animation effect when loading the page
materialMultiple type style options
Page managementCustomize the page address
Drag the mouse to adjust the sequence
Copy page
Copy to base plate
Generate mobile version (pc)
Sets whether the navigation bar is visible
Supports password access
Support member permission access
Support for off-site links
New Windows are enabled
Support footer display or not
SEO setup (page)
Page width Settings (page)
Baseboard managementAdd/copy/delete a backboard
Document managementMy file
plug-inPDF reader
Return to the top
Integral productIntegral product list
Integral product details
Access to integral products (membership access can be set)
Seckill productList of seckill products
Seckill product details
Seckill product access rights (membership access can be set)
Group-buying productsList of group purchase products
Group purchase product details
Group purchase product access rights (membership access can be set)
Knowledge payment details
Paid list of knowledge
Friendship link
Popover Container (pc)
Rolling digit
Timeline (pc)
Sidebar (pc)
Floating Customer Service Plug-in (pc)
Graphic slide
Aipan (formerly Baidu Business Bridge)
53 Fast Service
Online customer service
Leave a message
Reply to message
2345 Weather
Breadcrumb navigation
Go on and on
2345 Practical Query
Date plugin
Marketing QQ
Picture flip
Two-dimensional code
TQ online customer service
High level code
Full-screen scrolling
QQ a key to add a group
Sohu comments freely
Tencent Analytics
Group purchase (group purchase position moved up)
Baidu Map
In-station search
google search within the site
google Custom search
Google Maps
Custom query
Access statisticsBaidu Statistics
Google statistics
Webmaster statistics
51.la Statistics
Sina WeiboWeibo show
Podcast pendant
One-click attention
Comment box
Weibo follow button
Microblog live broadcast
Weibo post window
Weibo topic wall
articleArticle classification
Article list
Article details
Article access rights (membership access can be set)
productProduct classification
Product list (parameter Settings)
Product List - Multi - condition filter
Product details/Magnifying glass
Product access rights (membership access can be set)
In-site advertising (mobile)
Big Wheel (mobile phone)
Group (mobile phone)
Smash a golden egg (mobile phone)
Micro research (mobile phone)
Micro power (mobile phone)
Micro reservation (mobile phone)
Micro registration (mobile phone)
Wechat sharing (mobile phone)
Micro business card (mobile phone)
Shake (a mobile phone)
Fruit machine (mobile phone)
Micro Raiders (mobile phone)
Microscene (mobile phone)
Micro red envelope (mobile phone)
Micro bargain (mobile phone)
Scratch-off (mobile phone)
Wechat distribution store (mobile phone)
Micro conference (mobile phone)
Greeting card (mobile phone)
Navigation bar (mobile phone)
mslider (Mobile Phone)
QQ customer service (mobile phone)
Advanced Navigation Bar (mobile)
Friend Sponsorship (mobile)
Micro crowdfunding (mobile)
Text (small program)
Picture (applet)
Wheel seeding (applet)
Article list (applet)
Classification (applet)
Free layout (applet)
Customer service (mini program)
Map (applet)
Form (applet)
Video (applet)
Navigation (applet)
Button (applet)
Float button (applet)
Rubik's Cube navigation (applet)
Pay attention to the public number (small program)
Bulletin (mini program)
Distribution function (applet)
Group purchase list (applet)
Group purchase Details (mini program)
Seckill list (small program)
Seckill details (applet)
Appointment list (applet)
Appointment Details (applet)
Web page (applet)
External selling point list (small program)
Group Details (Applet)
Group list (applet)
Search (applet)
Coupon (applet)
Article details (small program)
Live list (applet)
Popover (small program)
Integral list (small program)
Integral details (applet)
Product list (applet)Display function
Shopping cart
Product Details (Applet)Display function
Shopping cart and buy button
setBasic site SettingsSite name
Web editing language
Site width
ICO icon
Disable the right mouse button
Timing website black and white display
Customize the 404 page
Website offline
Third-party website authentication
ios universal Link
Seo Settings (global)Site map
Customize the robots file
Baidu active push
Global seo optimization
Pseudo-static setting
Redirection setting
Page background
Site background
Multilingual site
Watermark settingText watermarking
Picture watermarking
Generate app (mobile phone)Currently, only Android can generate apps. ios can generate web apps
Membership popupLogin and registration
Shopping cart and settlement
Individual center
Module display
Floating shopping cart
Database backup2
Setting up mobile access
templateWebsite initialization
Online shop template (part)
Shop template (all)
Installation template
Site data clearing
Background managementArticle managementAdd article30
Article management
Article classification
Label management
Article warehouse
Article access rights (membership access can be set)
Uniformly set article seo
Product managementAdd products (separate seo)30
Product specification
Management classification
Product warehouse
Label management
Product review
Product message
Product import and export
Combination query with multiple conditions
Uniformly set product seo
Batch operation (unified price adjustment, inventory adjustment, classification adjustment, etc.)
Product accessories, associated products
Product import and export (support Taobao Assistant 5.5/5.6)
Membership managementAdd a member
Administrator management
Membership management
Membership level
Membership entry
Switch of the login verification code
Third-party account login (QQ, Sina Weibo, wechat)
Registration audit (verification code, forget password, strong password, mobile phone legitimacy test)
Role management
Email sending Settings (members can send emails if they forget their passwords)
Email sending Settings (new member registration, new order alerts, etc.)
Membership card management
Membership cancellation application
Member user agreement
Member transaction (recharge, consumption)
Order managementOrder management
Receipt, refund, invoice, return
Order printing, express single model version custom
Combination query with multiple conditions
Distribution functionThree level distribution function, commission commission set
Secondary distribution function
Distributor management
Distribution membership management
Withdrawal application
Copy management
Distribution agreement
Email/SMS/wechatAutomatic SMS sending (user registration, order creation, etc.)
Use the SMS sending template
Automatic email delivery (user registration, order creation, etc.)
You can customize email sending templates
Wechat template Settings, wechat list, wechat administrator message reminder
Statistical statementTotal sales
Sales rank
Membership purchase volume ranking
Product purchase ranking
Sales index analysis
Marketing activityMessage management
List of awards
Verbal management
Voting management
Issue notice
Coupon setting
Promo code setting
Customer care
The card will be sent immediately
Activity Settings (check-in and sharing, recharge and gift, consumption and gift)
Second kill management
Group-buying management
Group management
Point conversion
Custom query
Friendship link
E-business setupTransaction Settings (transaction switch, currency and currency symbol Settings, message box, invoice switch)
Inventory counting mode setting
Credit mode switch (balance, coupon, promo code,)
Refund with order countdown switch
Distribution Settings (can be edited)
Delivery Settings (support to set freight by region and weight)
Logistics company
Shipping address (default shipping address can be set)
District Management (editable urban District)
Payment Settings (Alipay, Fast Money, Tenpay and other online payment interfaces)
Express inquiry interface
Delivery time setting
Credit points
Wechat managementPublic account management
Material management
Wechat intelligent reply
Wechat map
Custom menu
Send a group message on wechat
User management
Multiple customer service
Wechat application
Applet applicationMake an appointment
Dynamic form
External selling order
Customer service assistant
One-click publishing
Live broadcast
Generate link
Knowledge paymentProduct management
Management classification
Order management
Product recycling station
Uniformly set product seo
Website logLogin log
Management log
otherPicture editorMeitu Xiu Xiu - Simplified Chinese only
Third-party management platformwww.sitestarcenter.cn https://www.websitemanage.cn/
Cloud rankingFive search engines direct to the official website
Cloud promotionCovering more than 60 mainstream b2b platforms
Cloud optimizationContinuous optimization to ensure stable ranking
Cloud reportRanking, exposure automatically updated daily

PRO version-professional core technology

From inside to outside the station, from PC to mobile
Multi-platform, diversification, rapid exposure promotion, improve website ranking
The flow of traffic rushes to the official website, effectively expanding the number of visits, passenger flow, and order volume

within 3 months
Product keywords seize the first page of search engines

Whoever occupies the first page of the search results has mastered the customer resources.
The search engine is the entrance to get customers,
85% of users find products through search engines.

Cloud ranking

Seize the homepage of Baidu, 360 Search, Sogou, Bing, Shenma, Toutiao and other search engines (PC terminal + mobile terminal), and import high traffic

Cloud Promotion

Super high exposure rate, quickly increase popularity

Cloud optimization

There is no limit to the number of clicks on keywords, a large amount of search traffic goes directly to the official website, PC+mobile terminal rankings, 365 days of continuous and stable collection

Cloud report

Visual display of performance reports, intelligent tracking and analysis
Ranking and exposure are updated daily to grasp the promotion effect in real time

In the Internet age, a new model of e-commerce marketing

Where there is a user base, layout is necessary, one-stop website construction + marketing promotion, efficient and profitable

The PRO version is more than powerful

Unique 7 core values, allowing enterprises to do everything from website, WeChat official account, small program, promotion

Many traffic entrances

PC+Mobile phone+APP multi-terminal all together
Sitting on WeChat+Baidu+Alipay+Byte Mini Program
Global traffic on many platforms

Simple and easy to use

One-click generation, fast application, free layout, easy revision
Make enterprise website, online store mall, mobile phone station, small program, APP everything

High-end professional

Over 3000+ exquisite website templates, high-end professional design,
Covering 100+ industries, everything you need

Support for multilingual sites

Support Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, French, etc.
Add unlimited multilingual sites

Rich and varied plug-ins

Over 7+ types of online customer service, 15+ mainstream payment methods,
More than 70 kinds of marketing and e-commerce function applications, easy to create popular pages

Improve efficiency and high conversion

7 core values, intelligent SEO cloud promotion ranking
Matrix website operation analysis, drainage-interaction-transformation-transaction


Ensure that 10-100 keywords are on the search engine homepage within 3 months
The first month promotion is not up to standard, full refund

PRO version 10

  • Five stations in one
    Original price¥5800/year Buy two years and get one year free, buy three years and get two years free
  • 2 product promotions
  • Achieve 10 keyword search engine home page rankings

PRO version 30

  • Five stations in one
    Original price¥8800/year Buy two years and get one year free, buy three years and get two years free
  • 5 product promotions
  • Achieve 30 keyword search engine homepage rankings

PRO version 100

  • Five sites in one
    Original price¥11800/year Buy two years and get one year free, buy three years and get two years free
  • 10 product promotions
  • 100 keyword search engine home page rankings

PRO version 300

  • Five stations in one
    Original price¥16800/year Buy two years and get one year free, buy three years and get two years free
  • 20 product promotions
  • 300 keyword search engine home page rankings

Supreme Edition promotion case

Ningbo Yixin Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.

[Yixin Articulated Arm]

Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Yongkang Du Xiaolang Catering Management Co., Ltd.

【Authentic dirty tea franchisee】
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Shanghai Wuying Technology Co., Ltd.

【Legal Services】
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Beijing Zhongnuo Smart Electric Technology Co., Ltd.

[Screen life]
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Cangzhou Jiechen Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

【External block】
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Shanghai Weiyuan Network Technology Co., Ltd.

【About Grab Effect】
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Lhasa Tibetan Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

【Hide table】
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

Urumqi Boyuan Meixin Trading Co., Ltd.

【A Valve Factory】
Baidu natural ranking No. 1

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