功能模块功能归属功能名称functional moduleFunctional attributionFunction nameFunction description
主页ALL我的主页homepageALLMy Home PageInternal notice/announcementDisplay internal notifications/announcements.
Service provider notification announcement (admin)Scroll to display the service provider notification announcement.
Target planMy goalShow my goal plan.
Department objectivesDisplay department target plan.
Follow up with customersDisplays a list of customers to follow up.
NoteThe menu item on the right supports adding, modifying and deleting, and the color is adjustable;
After-sales supportClick the right menu item to contact customer service QQ directly.
Work orderClick the menu item on the right to submit the online work order directly.
Use HelpRight menu item, view Help Center.
Spit out a slotRight menu item, feedback or suggestions.
AppletThe menu item on the right, the QR code of the applet, and the WeChat scanning code directly bind the account.
个人中心Personal Centeressential informationhead portraitView or change the avatar and upload pictures within 500K.
user nameView the user name, which cannot be changed here.
full nameView or change the name.
phone numberView or change the mobile number.
QQView or change QQ.
passwordChange the password.
Other informationdepartmentView department information.
positionView position information.
消息管理ALL消息列表Message managementALLMessage listCustomer follow-up reminderdetailsCustomer avatarDisplay the customer avatar and click to switch to the customer details page.
Customer nameDisplays the customer name.
Revisit DaysDisplay the return visit time.
Customer telephoneDisplays the customer's phone number.
Reminder contentDisplay the reminder content.
Read/UnreadClick to switch the read/unread status.
deleteClick to delete this message.
Customer recycling reminderdetailsCustomer avatarDisplay the customer avatar and click to switch to the message list page.
Customer nameDisplays the customer name.
Revisit DaysDisplay the return visit time.
Customer telephoneDisplays the customer's phone number.
Reminder contentDisplay the reminder content.
Read/UnreadClick to switch the read/unread status.
deleteClick to delete this message.
Audit reminderdetailsCustomer avatarDisplay the customer avatar and click to switch to the customer details page.
Customer nameDisplays the customer name.
Revisit DaysDisplay the return visit time.
Customer telephoneDisplays the customer's phone number.
Reminder contentDisplay the reminder content.
Read/UnreadClick to switch the read/unread status.
deleteClick to delete this message.
New product launch remindertimeDisplays the launch time of the new product.
Add peopleDisplays who added the new product.
detailsClick to display the details.
Read/UnreadClick to switch the read/unread status.
deleteClick to delete this message.
User message reminderdetailstitleDisplays the message title.
SenderShow sender.
Sending timeDisplays the sending time.
Message contentDisplays the message content.
Read/UnreadClick to switch the read/unread status.
deleteClick to delete this message.
客户管理CRM客户列表customer managementCRMCustomer listTotal number of customersDisplays the number of all valid customers in the system.
Number of my customersDisplays the number of all valid customers for the current user.
Add new customerCustomer nameFill in the customer name.
Corporate legal personFill in the company legal person.
Company websiteFill in the company website.
company sizeFill in the company size.
sourceFill in the customer source.
industryFill in the industry of the customer.
Region (province/city/county)Fill in the customer's region.
addressFill in the detailed address of the customer's company.
contact numberFill in the contact number of the customer company.
QQFill in the customer company QQ.
WeChatFill in the customer's WeChat.
mailboxFill in the customer's company mailbox.
Intention degreestrongSelect the degree of customer intention.
Next return visit timeAdd the next return visit date, which will be displayed in the follow-up customer column on the home page.
head portraitUpload the customer's avatar and limit the images within 500K;
Business phaseQualification reviewSelect the business stage of the customer. The name of the business stage can be customized. In addition to the transaction stage, other stages can decide whether to enable.
requirement analysis
Value suggestions
Identify decision makers
Proposal or quotation
Negotiation or review
Win Close
Close the lost order
Close due to lost order due to competition
Leads of lost orders
remarksNote other information.
ImportCustomer information import templateThe import template can be downloaded. The import is limited to. xls and. xlsx formats and files within 50MB.
exportExport all customer information in table form.
Filter FindstateValidFilter by customer.
mailboxFilter by customer mailbox.
classificationNon-publicFilter by public customer or not.
Search transactiondealFilter by transaction or not.
Not closed
Intention stateIntenseFilter by intention status.
General intention
Intention None
Customer name/telephone/QQFilter by customer name/phone/QQ.
Start Date - End DateFilter by customer creation date.
Start return visit date - end return visit dateFilter by customer return visit date.
sortAscending orderSort in ascending order.
Descending orderSort in descending order.
Customer nameSort by customer name.
Next return visit dateSort by the next return visit date.
Last return visit dateSort by the last return visit date.
Customer's departmentFilter by customer's department.
Customer's userFilter by the customer's user, and select the department before selecting the user.
Customer detailsCustomer nameDisplays the customer name.
Customer avatarDisplay the customer's avatar.
Customer intentionDisplay the degree of customer intention.
Client landlineDisplays the customer company's landline.
Customer mobile phonesend messageDisplay the customer's mobile phone and click to send a message.
Customer QQOnline communicationDisplay customer QQ, click to communicate online.
mailboxsend emailsDisplay the customer's mailbox. Click to send the email.
regionDisplays the customer's region.
Contact addressMapDisplay the customer contact address and click the map to navigate.
First recordDisplays the first added record.
Next return visitDisplay the next return visit record.
remarksDisplays note information.
ascriptionDisplays which user the customer belongs to.
editClick to edit customer information.
stateClick to modify the transaction status.
deleteClick Delete as invalid customer.
contactsNew contactfull nameFill in the contact name.
GenderSelect the contact gender.
departmentFill in the department of the contact person.
postFill in the position information of the contact person.
Home addressFill in the contact's home address.
contact numberFill in the contact number.
QQFill in the contact QQ.
WeChatFill in contact WeChat.
mailboxFill in the contact email.
date of birthFill in the contact's birth date.
hobbyFill in the contact's hobbies.
PhotoUpload contact photos within 500K.
remarksFill in comments.
detailsDisplays contact details.
deleteDelete contact.
Certificate managementAdd a new certificatenameFill in the name of the certificate.
pictureUpload ID image.
remarksFill in comments.
deleteDelete the certificate.
Recent return visitNew return visitOverview of return visitAdd return visit information.
Next return visitSet the next return visit date.
editEdit the return visit information.
place orderSubmit a new order.
View closed ordersOrder NoView all orders that have been closed by the customer.
amount of money
Order status
After-sales informationAdd after-sales serviceAdd after-sales overviewRecord the after-sales situation for later follow-up.
Collection recordAdd Collection RecordCollection overviewRecord the collection for the convenience of verification and statistics.
Collection (received/uncollected)
amount of money
Conversation recordAdd conversation recordConversation titleRecord the details of the conversation. You can use text records or directly upload txt text files.
Text format (text/txt file)
Conversation content
Download conversation recordClick to download the conversation record text document.
editEdit customer details.
transferTransfer customersThe administrator can transfer at will, the department manager can only transfer between departments or sub-departments, and the sales specialist can only transfer within the department.
Transaction statusClosed/not closedWhen the transaction status is modified, the current business phase will automatically switch to the transaction status.
deleteDelete/RestoreThis deletion marks the customer as invalid. It will not be deleted from the system and can be recovered.
Completely delete (admin)This customer is completely deleted from the system and cannot be recovered after deletion.
我的客户My customersThe function is the same as that of the customer list, which displays the customers added or obtained from the public library.
客户归属查询Customer attribution querycorporate nameQuery whether the current customer exists in the database and who owns it by company name. If the ownership is not displayed, it is a public customer.
TelephoneQuery by phone whether the current customer exists in the database and who owns it. If the ownership is not displayed, it is a public customer.
QQQuery by QQ whether the current customer exists in the database and who owns it. If the ownership is not displayed, it is a public customer.
WeChatQuery by WeChat whether the current customer exists in the library and who owns it. If the ownership is not displayed, it is a public customer.
mailboxQuery by mailbox whether the current customer exists in the database and who owns it. If the ownership is not displayed, it is a public customer.
扫描名片(MBL)Scan business card (MBL)corporate nameMobile phone photo scanning customer business card information is added to the warehouse.
Company mailbox
company website
Company address
phone number
公告管理ALL公告列表Announcement managementALLAnnouncement listAnnouncement TitleDisplays the announcement title.
Announcement timeDisplays the time of the announcement.
PublisherDisplays the user who published the announcement.
edittitleEdit and modify the announcement title.
labelEdit and modify the announcement label.
contentEdit and modify the announcement content.
deleteDelete this announcement.
detailsView the announcement details.
UpThe announcements are sorted up.
downAnnouncements are sorted down.
发布公告AnnouncementtitleFill in a new announcement title.
labelFill in the new bulletin label, with multiple labels separated by commas.
contentfileNew DocumentEdit a new document.
Restore the last draftRestores the last draft.
PrintPrint the announcement content.
document propertyWrite document properties.
editrevokeUndo the current operation.
repeatRepeat the undo operation.
shearCut the selection.
copyCopy the selection.
pastePaste copied or cut content.
Paste as TextPaste in text format.
Select AllSelect all.
Find and replaceFind or replace content.
insertInsert/Edit PictureInsert or edit a picture.
Insert/Edit LinkInsert or edit a link.
Special symbolsInsert a special symbol.
Horizontal split lineInsert a horizontal split line.
Anchor pointInsert an anchor.
Page breakInsert a page break.
Date/TimeInsert the date and time.
nonbreaking spaceInsert uninterrupted spaces.
TemplateInsert a template.
viewShow invisible charactersDisplays invisible characters.
Show block borderDisplays the block border.
GridlinesDisplays grid lines.
Full screenFull-screen editing.
formatboldSet the font to bold.
italicSet the font to italic.
Glide lineSets the font to underline.
StrikethroughSet font plus strikeout.
SuperscriptSet font superscript.
subscriptSet the font subscript.
Clear FormatClear all formats.
formInsert TableInsert a table.
Table PropertiesSet table properties.
Delete TableDelete the table.
Cellscell propertiesSet cell properties.
merge cellMerge cells.
split cellSplit cells.
that 's okInsert AboveInsert a row above.
Insert belowInsert a row below.
Delete RowDelete the current row.
Row PropertiesSet row properties.
Cut RowCut the current row.
Copy RowCopy the current row.
Paste AbovePaste above.
Paste belowPaste below.
columnInsert on the leftInsert a column on the left.
Insert on the rightInsert a column on the right.
Delete ColumnDelete the current column.
source codeDisplays the source code.
titleTitle 1Set the title style.
Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5
Title 6
textboldSet the font to bold.
italicSet the font to italic.
Glide lineSets the font to underline.
StrikethroughSet font plus strikeout.
SuperscriptSet font superscript.
subscriptSet the font subscript.
codeEdit in code form.
Div blockDiv block.
Preformatted textPreformatted text.
AlignmentAlign LeftAlign the content to the left.
CenterThe content is centered.
Align RightAlign the content to the right.
JustifyAlign the content at both ends.
BulletsdefaultInsert the default symbol.
Hollow circleInsert a hollow circle symbol.
discInserts a filled circle symbol.
blockInsert a square symbol.
Numbering listdefaultInsert the default numeric number.
Small English lettersInsert a lowercase letter number.
Small GreekInsert a lowercase Greek letter number.
Small RomanInsert a lowercase Roman letter number.
Capital lettersInsert the number of uppercase letters.
Capital RomanInsert an uppercase Roman letter number.
decrease indentDecrease indent.
Increase IndentIncrease Indent.
文档管理OA文档分类管理Document managementOADocument classification managementNew document classificationDocument classification nameFill in the document classification name.
Category parentSelect a parent classification.
Modify document classificationDocument classification nameFill in the document classification name.
Category parentSelect a parent classification.
Delete Document ClassificationDelete document classification.
文档列表Document listSearch DocumentsSearch for documents by document title.
New documenttitleAdd a document title.
Document classificationSelect a document classification.
enclosureAdd document attachments.
remarksAdd comments.
detailstitleDisplays the document title.
Document classificationDisplays the document classification.
enclosuredownloadDownload the document attachment.
previewPreview document attachments.
remarksShow note details.
edittitleEdit and modify the title.
Document classificationEdit and modify the document classification.
enclosureAdd multiple document attachments.
Attachment uploadeddownloadDownload the uploaded attachment.
deleteDelete the attachment transferred above.
previewPreview the uploaded attachment.
remarksEdit and modify comments.
deleteDelete the document.
销售管理CRM销售任务Sales managementCRMSales taskTask SearchQuery tasks by start date - end date.
New taskDesignated departmentSelect a department.
timeSet the time period.
targetSet goals.
Related productsSelect the associated product.
Personal goalsSet personal goals.
detailsdepartmentDisplay department.
Related productsDisplay associated products.
targetDisplay the set goal.
Completion degreeDisplays the degree of completion.
CompletedDisplays the number of completed.
Number of complianceDisplay the number of people who meet the standard.
Days RemainingDisplays the number of days remaining.
editEdit and modify the task details.
deleteDelete this task.
Employee rankingDisplay the employee ranking list.
Sales during the task periodDisplay the sales during the tenure.
editDesignated departmentEdit and modify the department.
timeEdit the modification time.
targetEdit and modify the target.
Related productsEdit and modify the associated product.
Personal goalsEdit and modify personal goals.
deleteDelete the task.
订单列表Order ListNew orderorder numberAutomatically generated by the system.
customerSelect a customer and enter the customer's name, phone number, QQ, email or company name for fuzzy query.
Transaction timeSelect the closing time.
productProduct nameSelected products.
quantityFill in the quantity.
Unit PriceFill in the unit price.
totalTotal amount of individual products.
operationDelete the product.
Total amountDisplays the total amount of all added products.
Order remarksFill in the remarks.
Select the approval processSelect the approval process.
exportExport the list of all orders.
Search ordersSearch Audit StatusundeterminedSearch for orders in pending status.
adoptSearch for orders with passed status.
rejectSearch for orders in rejected status.
Under reviewSearch for orders under review.
Customer: name/telephone/QQSearch for orders by customer name, phone number or QQ.
Start Date - End DateSearch for orders by start date to end date.
detailsCustomer nameDisplays the customer name.
head portraitDisplay the customer's avatar.
contact numberDisplays the customer contact number.
QQDisplay customer QQ, click to communicate online.
Audit statusDisplays the audit status.
Order numberDisplays the order number.
Transaction timeDisplay the closing time.
remarksShow note details.
Total amountDisplays the total order amount.
Add peopleDisplays who added the order.
List detailsproductDisplays the inventory product name.
quantityDisplays the inventory product quantity.
Unit PriceDisplays the unit price of the list product.
totalDisplays the total amount of a single product in the inventory.
Total amountDisplays the total amount of all products in the list.
Audit detailshead portraitDisplays the reviewer's avatar.
user nameDisplays the approver user name.
departmentDisplays the approver's department.
full nameDisplays the name of the approver.
findings of auditDisplay the audit results.
Business contractContract NoDisplay the contract number. Click to view the contract information.
Contract nameDisplay the contract name. Click to view the contract information.
Signing timeDisplays the signing time.
editorder numberEdit and modify the order number.
customerThe customer is locked and cannot be changed.
Transaction timeEdit and modify the closing time.
productProduct nameEdit and modify the product.
quantityEdit and modify the product quantity.
Unit PriceEdit and modify the product unit price.
totalGenerate the total amount of a single product.
operationDelete the product.
Total amountGenerate the total amount of all added products.
Order remarksEdit and modify comments.
Select the approval processThe approval process is locked and cannot be changed.
deleteDelete the order.
transferSelect departmentSelect userOrders are transferred between users.
lockingThe order is locked and cannot be edited.
订单审核Order reviewFind OrdersalesmanFind orders by salesperson.
Search Audit StatusundeterminedSearch for orders in pending status.
adoptSearch for orders with passed status.
rejectSearch for orders in rejected status.
Under reviewSearch for orders under review.
Customer: name/telephone/QQSearch for orders by customer name, phone number or QQ.
Start Date - End DateSearch for orders by start date to end date.
detailsCustomer nameDisplays the customer name.
head portraitDisplay the customer's avatar.
contact numberDisplays the customer contact number.
QQDisplay customer QQ, click to communicate online.
Audit statusDisplays the audit status.
Order numberDisplays the order number.
Transaction timeDisplay the closing time.
remarksShow note details.
Total amountDisplays the total order amount.
Add peopleDisplays who added the order.
List detailsproductDisplays the inventory product name.
quantityDisplays the inventory product quantity.
Unit PriceDisplays the unit price of the list product.
totalDisplays the total amount of a single product in the inventory.
Total amountDisplays the total amount of all products in the list.
to examineReview commentsFill in the review comments.
ApprovedThe selected order is approved.
Failed to pass the reviewSelect to reject the approval.
Audit detailshead portraitDisplays the reviewer's avatar.
user nameDisplays the approver user name.
departmentDisplays the approver's department.
full nameDisplays the name of the approver.
findings of auditDisplay the audit results.
to examineadoptThe selected order is approved.
FailSelect to reject the approval.
审核流程管理Audit process managementNew processProcess nameAdd a process name.
Add nodeSelect ApproverSelect the process approver.
set upProcess nameModify the existing process name.
ApproverModify the existing process approver.
deleteDelete this process.
分析统计CRM部门排名Analysis and statisticsCRMDepartment rankingParticipating in ranking department settingSelect the department to participate in the ranking. All departments are displayed by default.
Filter time periodFilter the department ranking in the time period to be displayed.
员工排名Employee rankingFilter time periodFilter the employee ranking in the time period to be displayed.
产品分类排名Product classification rankingFilter time periodFilter the product classification ranking within the time period to be displayed.
部门业绩分析Department performance analysisFilter time periodFilter the circular chart of the performance of all departments in the time period to be displayed
员工业绩分析Employee performance analysisFilter time periodFilter the performance analysis bar chart and ring chart of all employees in the time period to be displayed.
产品分类业绩分析Product classification performance analysisFilter time periodFilter the performance analysis ring chart of all products in the time period to be displayed.
部门业绩走势Departmental performance trendSelect departmentSelect the department to display.
Filter time periodFilter the line chart of department performance trend in the time period to be displayed.
员工业绩走势Employee performance trendFilter time periodFilter the bar chart of all employees' performance in the time period to be displayed, and click the corresponding employee to view the linear chart of the employee's performance trend in the time period.
产品分类业绩走势Performance trend of product classificationSelect product classificationSelect the product classification you want to view.
Filter time periodFilter the performance trend line chart of this category in the time period to be displayed.
业绩目标分析Performance target analysisparticular yearSelect the performance target year to view.
typeorderFilter and view the bar chart of the target performance and actual performance of the order.
Number of contractsFilter and view the histogram of the target performance and actual performance of the number of contracts.
Contract amountFilter and view the histogram of target performance and actual performance of contract amount.
Contract payment amountFilter and view the histogram of the target performance and actual performance of the contract payment amount.
Product salesFilter and view the histogram of target performance and actual performance of product sales.
Product salesFilter and view the histogram of target performance and actual performance of product sales.
Sales volume by product categoryFilter and view the histogram of target performance and actual performance of product category sales.
Sales by product categoryFilter and view the bar chart of target performance and actual performance of product category sales.
departmentSelect a department.
userSelect a user. Select a department before selecting a user.
客户合同管理CRM客户合同文件管理Customer contract managementCRMCustomer contract document managementNew contractContract NoFill in the contract number.
customerSelect a customer.
Contract nameFill in the contract name.
first partyFill in Party A.
Party BFill in Party B.
Contract Commencement DateSelect the contract effective date.
Contract termination dateSelect the contract termination date.
enclosureAdd attachments.
remarksFill in comments.
Search contractContract NoQuery contracts by contract number.
Contract nameQuery contracts by contract name.
detailsContract NoDisplays the contract number.
Contract nameDisplays the contract name.
customerDisplay the customer name. Click the name to open the customer details page.
first partyShow Party A.
Party BShow Party B.
effective dateDisplays the effective date.
End dateDisplays the end date.
enclosuredownloadDownload attachments.
previewPreview attachments online.
remarksDisplays note information.
editContract NoEdit and modify the contract number.
customerModify the customer.
Contract nameModify the contract name.
first partyModify Party A.
Party BModify Party B.
Contract Commencement DateThe effective date of the modification.
Contract termination dateModify the end date.
enclosureuploadUpload new attachments. Multiple attachments can be uploaded.
downloadDownload the uploaded attachment.
deleteDelete the uploaded attachment.
previewPreview uploaded attachments
remarksModify the note information.
deleteDelete this contract.
lockingThis contract is locked and cannot be modified or deleted after locking.
工作任务CRM客户回访Work tasksCRMClient ReviewToday's return visitDisplay the customers who need a return visit today.
Tomorrow's return visitDisplay the customers who need a return visit tomorrow.
Return visit the day after tomorrowDisplay the customers who need a follow-up visit the day after tomorrow.
One-week return visitDisplay the customers who need a return visit within a week.
自定义列表(默认数据需获取)ALL线索Custom list (default data needs to be obtained)ALLclueadd tocompanyAdd company leads.
GendermaleSelect gender.
full nameFill in your name.
positionFill in the position.
mailboxFill in the mailbox.
TelephoneFill in the phone number.
FaxFill in the fax.
mobile phoneFill in the mobile number.
websiteFill in the company website.
sourceadvertisementSelect the clue source.
Sales call
Employee introduction
External introduction
Online shopping mall
cooperative partner
Public media
Sales Email
stateTry to contactSelect the thread status.
Future contact
False clues
Lost clues
Required conditions
industryApplication service providerSelect an industry.
Enterprise resource management
large enterprises
Management software provider
network equipment
Unmanaged ISV
Optical network
Service Provider
small and medium-sized enterprises
storage device
Storage service provider
system integration
Wireless enterprise
Non-management software provider
Number of employeesFill in the number of employees
annual incomeFill in the annual income.
GradeObtainedSelect a level.
Market failure
Project cancellation
Don't send marketing emailyesSelect whether to send marketing mail.
QQFill in QQ
WeChatFill in WeChat
addressFill in the detailed address.
streetFill in the street.
cityFill in the city.
Province/municipalityFill in the province/municipality.
Zip codeFill in the zip code.
CountryFill in the country/region.
describeFill in the clue description.
querycompanyQuery by company name.
full nameQuery by name.
mobile phoneFirst year mobile phone number query.
stateQuery by status
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
销售机会Opportunityadd tonameAdd an opportunity name.
customerAdd a customer.
describeFill in the opportunity description.
amount of moneyFill in the opportunity amount.
Transaction dateFill in the transaction date.
stageFilling stage.
possibilityFill in the possibility.
Expected incomeFill in the expected income.
departmentFill in the department.
Opportunity typeFill in the opportunity type.
Sources of opportunityFill in the opportunity source.
Campaign sourceFill in the campaign source.
Price List NameFill in the price list name.
person in chargeFill in the person in charge.
querynameQuery by name.
customerQuery by customer.
amount of moneyQuery by amount range.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
任务taskadd tothemeAdd a task topic.
Expiration dateAdd a task due date.
Contact/clueAdd task contact/clue.
Task typecustomerSelect the task type.
business opportunity
Sales order
Purchase order
Marketing activities
Service support
stateNot startedSelect the task status.
have in hand
Waiting for input
priorityhighSelect the task priority.
Send email notificationyesSelect whether to send email notifications.
Reminder timeAdd reminder time.
Repeat activityAdd a repeating activity.
describeAdd a description.
querythemeQuery by task subject.
Task typeQuery by task type.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
通话conversationadd toCustomer/Contact/LeadAdd a calling customer/contact/lead.
themeAdd a call theme.
objectiveAdd a call purpose.
typecustomerAdd a call type.
business opportunity
describeAdd a call description.
resultAdd call results.
queryCustomer/Contact/LeadQuery by customer/contact/clue.
themeQuery by subject.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
市场活动Marketing activitiesadd tonameAdd a campaign name.
placeAdd event location.
start timeSet the start time of the activity.
End timeSet the end time of the activity.
Reminder timeSet the event reminder time.
Budget costSet the budget cost of the activity.
typeSet the activity type.
Expected revenueSet expected revenue.
Number of people invitedSet the number of invitations.
remarksFill in comments.
Expected responseFill in the expected response.
Activity OwnerFill in the activity owner.
participantuserSelect activity participants.
Objects involvedclueSelect the objects involved in the activity.
Departments involvedFill in the department involved in the activity.
Activity statusFill in the activity status.
actual costFill in the actual cost.
real incomeFill in the actual income.
Actual number of peopleFill in the actual number of people.
querynameQuery by name.
placeQuery by point.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
竞争对手competitoradd tonameAdd competitor name.
typeopponentSelect the competitor type.
regionFill in the competitive region.
addressFill in the detailed address.
TelephoneFill in the phone number.
remarksFill in comments.
DepartmentFill in the department.
Postal CodeFill in the postal code.
FaxFill in the fax.
Company websiteFill in the website of the rival company.
micro-blogFill in your opponent's microblog.
Number of peopleFill in the number of opponents.
Last year's salesFill in the sales volume of the counterparty in the previous year.
advantageFill in the competitive advantage.
inferiorityFill in the opponent's disadvantage.
Product unit costFill in the unit cost of the product.
Standard priceFill in the standard price.
querynameQuery by name.
typeQuery by type.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
报价offeradd toQuotation nameAdd a quote name.
customerAdd a customer.
contactsAdd contacts.
opportunityFill in the opportunity.
stateFill in the status.
dateFill in the date.
Total amountFill in the total amount.
remarksFill in comments.
price listFill in the price list.
Original currencyFill in the original currency.
exchange rateFill in the exchange rate.
classificationFill in the classification.
Product nameFill in the product name.
Unit PriceFill in the unit price.
quantityFill in the quantity.
discountFill in the discount.
amount of moneyFill in the amount.
Unit of measurementFill in the unit of measurement.
explainFill in the instructions.
queryQuotation nameQuery by quotation name.
Total amountQuery by total amount range.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
发货单Invoiceadd tothemeAdd a shipment order subject.
Corresponding orderFill in the corresponding order.
Shipment order dateFill in the delivery order date.
excise taxFill in the consumption tax.
Expiration dateFill in the expiry date.
stateestablishSelect the shipment order status.
Approval and transfer
Sales commissionFill in the sales commission.
Customer nameFill in the customer name.
Contact NameFill in the contact name.
Billing addressFill in the billing address.
Shipping AddressFill in the shipping address.
Terms and ConditionsFill in terms and conditions.
Product detailsFill in the product name.
describeFill in the description.
querythemeSearch by topic.
stateSearch by status.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
价格表price listadd tonameFill in the price list name.
Enable statusFill in the activation status.
ModelunifiedSelect a price list model.
describeAdd a description.
DepartmentFill in the department.
Copy from existing price listyesSelect whether to copy from the existing price list.
Add product to price listyesSelect whether to add products to the price list.
Add to productyesSelect whether to add to the product.
enclosureAdd attachments.
querynameQuery by name.
ModelQuery by model.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
客户回款Customer collectionadd tocustomerFill in the payment collection customer.
Contract NoFill in the contract number.
Order NoFill in the order number.
Total amountFill in the total amount.
Signing dateFill in the signing date.
Remittance periodFill in the remittance period.
payment methodWeChatSelect the payment method.
Online banking
Amount received in advanceFill in the amount received in advance.
Actual advance receipt differenceFill in the actual advance receipt difference.
payeeFill in the payee.
Collection typeWeChatSelect collection type
Online banking
remarksFill in comments.
querycustomerQuery by customer.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
客户发票Customer invoiceadd tocustomerFill in the customer.
Contract NoFill in the contract number.
Order NoFill in the order number.
Total amountFill in the total amount.
Signing dateFill in the signing date.
payment methodWeChatSelect the payment method.
Online banking
Pre-sale amountFill in the pre-sale amount.
Actual pre-sale differenceFill in the actual pre-sale difference.
payeeFill in the payee.
remarksFill in comments.
querycustomerQuery by customer.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
财务管理financial managementadd tocustomerFill in the customer.
typeincomeFill in the financial type.
Order NoFill in the order number.
dateFill in the date.
categoryOrder prepaymentSelect a financial category.
Contract payment
Maintenance fee
Product renewal
Total amountFill in the total amount.
Capital accountFill in the capital account.
Handled byFill in the handler.
Attachment addressFill in the attachment address.
remarksFill in comments.
Business representativeFill in the business representative.
querycustomerQuery by customer.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
收支流水Revenue and expenditure flowadd tocustomerFill in the customer.
numberFill in the number.
Order NoFill in the order number.
to examineReviewedSelect the audit status.
Not reviewed
relationFill in related matters.
contactsFill in the contact person.
typeincomeSelect revenue expense type.
Revenue and expenditure categoryOnline bankingSelect revenue and expense category.
Total amountFill in the total amount.
remarksFill in comments.
dateFill in the date.
Business representativeFill in the salesperson.
Attachment addressFill in the attachment address.
querycustomerQuery by customer.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
供货商supplieradd toSupplier nameFill in the name of the supplier.
TelephoneFill in the phone number.
mailboxFill in the mailbox.
websiteFill in the web address.
General ledger accountFill in the general ledger account.
classificationSelect a classification.
streetFill in the street.
cityFill in the city.
Provinces and citiesFill in the province and city.
Zip codeFill in the zip code.
Country/regionFill in the country and region.
describeFill in the description.
querySupplier nameQuery by supplier name.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
退款refundadd tocustomerFill in the customer.
Collection NoFill in the collection number.
Paid-in amountFill in the actually received amount.
refund amountFill in the refund amount.
person in chargeFill in the person in charge.
Order NoFill in the order number.
Approval process NoFill in the approval process number.
remarksFill in comments.
queryCollection NoQuery by collection number.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
咨询备忘Consultation notesadd toCustomer nameFill in the customer name.
contact numberFill in the contact number.
QQ numberFill in customer QQ.
E-mailFill in the email address.
Detailed addressFill in the detailed address.
Consultation sourceSelect the source of consultation.
Type of consultationSelect the type of consultation.
Consultation contentFill in the consultation content.
queryCustomer nameQuery by customer name.
Add departmentQuery by adding department.
Add peopleQuery by adding person.
Add timeQuery by adding time.
exportClick to export all clue list data.
editClick Edit List Data.
detailsClick to view the data details.
deleteClick Delete List Data.
邮件短信ALL发送列表Email SMSALLSend ListSend a new messageFromSelect the sender.
addresseeFill in the recipients, with multiple recipients separated by commas or semicolons.
CcFill in the Cc, with multiple Ccs separated by commas or semicolons.
bccFill in the confidential sender, and separate multiple confidential senders with commas or semicolons.
themeFill in the subject of the email.
textFill in the text.
Mark as urgentMark as urgent.
Send a new SMSSend a new text message.
screenmailFilter mail sending records.
short messageFilter SMS sending records.
editEdit email/SMS content.
deleteDelete this email/SMS.
邮箱配置Mailbox configurationNew mailbox configurationEdm mailboxaccount informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
QQ mailboxMailbox protocolSelect a mailbox agreement.
Authorization methodSelect the authorization method.
account informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
PO Box 163Mailbox protocolSelect a mailbox agreement.
Authorization methodSelect the authorization method.
account informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
Sina EmailMailbox protocolSelect a mailbox agreement.
Authorization methodSelect the authorization method.
account informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
Office365Mailbox protocolSelect a mailbox agreement.
Authorization methodSelect the authorization method.
account informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
Yahoo EmailMailbox protocolSelect a mailbox agreement.
Authorization methodSelect the authorization method.
account informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
Other mailboxesMailbox protocolSelect a mailbox agreement.
Authorization methodSelect the authorization method.
account informationAdd account information.
Mailbox sharingSelect whether to share the mailbox.
Send a new messageSend a new message.
stateEnableEnable mailbox.
DeactivateDeactivate the mailbox.
Mailbox sharingprivateSet the mailbox private for personal use only.
openSet the mailbox for public use by all users.
Set as defaultSet as the default outgoing mailbox.
editEdit mailbox configuration information.
deleteDelete this configuration mailbox.
短信配置SMS configurationAdd SMS configurationnameFill in the SMS configuration name.
API IDFill in the API ID.
SMS signatureFill in the SMS signature, using the company name, brand name, etc.
SMS sharingprivateSet SMS private for personal use only.
openSet the SMS public, and all users can use it.
Send a new SMSSend a new text message.
editEdit SMS configuration information.
deleteDelete this configuration message.
提醒管理ALL提醒列表Reminder managementALLReminder listAdd a reminderReminderSelect departmentSelect the user to be reminded.
Select user
Reminder timeDon't remindSelect the reminder time.
on time
10 minutes in advance
30 minutes in advance
60 minutes in advance
2 hours in advance
6 hours in advance
One day in advance
Reminder levelcommonlySelect the reminder level.
Start and end timeSelect the start and end time of the reminder.
Reminder contentFill in the reminder.
remarksFill in comments.
Search ReminderReminder nameSearch by reminder name.
Reminder contentSearch by reminder content.
Reminder statusneed to be dealt withSearch by reminder status.
Reading statusUnreadSearch by reading status.
Reminder timeDon't remindSearch by reminder time.
on time
10 minutes in advance
30 minutes in advance
60 minutes in advance
2 hours in advance
6 hours in advance
One day in advance
UrgencycommonlySearch by urgency.
Start and end dateSearch by start and end date.
detailsRemind usersDisplay users who need to be reminded.
Reminder timeDisplays the reminder time.
UrgencyDisplay the degree of urgency.
Start and end timeDisplays the start and end time.
stateDisplays the alert status.
Reminder contentDisplay the reminder content.
remarksDisplays note information.
Created byDisplays the reminder creator.
Creation timeDisplays the reminder creation time.
Reminder statusUnread/ReadClick to switch the reminder status.
editEdit and modify the reminder content, time, etc.
deleteDelete this reminder.
业务管理CRM业绩目标Business managementCRMPerformance objectivesNew performance objectivesyearSelect the new performance target year.
typeorderSelect the new performance target type.
Number of contracts
Contract amount
Contract payment amount
Product sales
Product sales
Sales volume by product category
Sales by product category
Performance objectivesSet performance target quantity.
seeBy departmenteditEdit the detailed target performance of each department in each month.
By usereditEdit the detailed target performance of each user in each month.
editEdit and modify performance objectives.
deleteDelete this target.
用户管理HR用户列表user managementHRUser listAdd a new memberaccount numberFill in the login account of the new member.
passwordSet a new password.
full nameFill in the name of the new member.
contact numberFill in the contact number of the new member.
QQFill in the QQ number of the new member.
mailboxFill in the mailbox of the new member.
departmentSelect the department of the new member.
positionSelect the position of the new member.
head portraitAdd member avatars.
searchdepartmentSearch users by department.
stateValidSearch for users by status.
Name/Tel/QQSearch by user name, phone and QQ.
Add timeSearch by the start and end of the adding time.
Send a messageRecipientThe message in the station shows the message receiver.
titleFill in the sending header.
contentFill in the sending content.
detailshead portraitDisplays the user's avatar.
full nameDisplays the user name.
contact numberDisplays the user's contact number.
QQDisplay user QQ.
user nameDisplays the user name.
positionDisplay user position information.
departmentDisplay user department information.
Add timeDisplays the addition time.
Recent goalstargetDisplay the user's recent performance goals.
CompletedDisplay the performance objectives that the user has completed.
Recent developmentsDisplay the user's recent customer follow-up status.
Send a messageSend an in-station message to the user.
editEdit the user information.
DisableDisable the user account.
editContinue to change user information.
DisableDisable user accounts.
reset passworduser nameDisplays the user name that needs to reset the account password.
passwordFill in the new password.
Confirm PasswordFill in the new password again.
权限管理ALL职位管理Permission managementALLPosition managementNew positionPosition nameAdd a new position name.
Default RoleNew RoleSelect the position role.
Superior positionSelect a superior position.
jurisdictionSelect the position permission.
Edit PositionEdit the position information.
Delete PositionDelete the position.
New RoleRole nameAdd a new role name.
Data access rightsAll dataSelect the data that the role can access.
Department data
Personal data
jurisdictionSet role permissions.
editEdit and modify the role details.
deleteDelete the role.
菜单管理Menu managementDisplay nameModify the menu display name.
sortModify menu sorting.
组织机构HR机构管理OrganizationHRorganizational managementNew departmentNew sub-departmentDepartment nameFill in the new department name.
Department sortingFill in department sorting.
Department personnelDisplay all personnel in the department.
Editing departmentEdit department information.
Delete departmentDelete department information.
产品管理CRM产品分类product managementCRMProduct classificationNew classificationProduct classification nameFill in a new product classification name.
Category parentSelect the parent classification name.
editEdit and modify classification name
deleteDelete this classification.
产品列表Product listNew productsProduct nameFill in a new product name.
Product classificationSelect a product classification.
Product modelFill in the product model.
SpecificationsFill in the product specification.
Unit PriceFill in the unit price of the product.
Product pictureUpload product pictures, limited to 3MB, and the recommended size is 200 * 150.
remarksFill in product comments.
searchProduct nameSearch by product name.
Unit price rangeSearch by product unit price range.
detailedProduct nameDisplays the product name.
Product classificationDisplays the product classification.
Product modelDisplays the product model.
SpecificationsDisplays the product specification.
Unit PriceDisplay the unit price of the product.
Product pictureDisplay product image.
remarksDisplays product comments.
editEdit product information.
Deactivate/enableClick to switch product status.
deleteDelete the product.
系统管理ALL系统设置system managementALLSystem settingsCompany informationcorporate nameFill in the company name.
LOGOUpload the company logo with the background of the currently selected theme color. It is recommended to use a transparent background and reverse white logo, supporting PNG/JPG/GIF format.
Theme colorModify the theme color.
system informationNumber of usersDisplays the maximum number of users that the system can add.
Expiration dateDisplays the system expiration date.
Remaining capacityDisplays the remaining capacity of the system.
Number of upgrade usersClick to upgrade the number of users.
Renewal extensionClick Renew.
Function settingReview orderunwantedSelect whether to open the order approval function.
Company phone uniqueness verificationunwantedSelect whether the company phone uniqueness needs to be verified.
Public customersNot enabledClose the public pool, and customers will not enter the public pool after timeout.
EnableRecycling rule 1No return visit in N days was returned to public customers.
Recovery rule 2No return visit in N days was returned to public customers.
Recycling rule IIIN days of outstanding transactions are recovered to public customers.
自定义列表设置Customize list settingsNew ListList nameFill in a new list name.
Get default listGet the system default customization list.
Set fieldNew fieldField nameFill in the field name.
Entry methodText boxSelect the entry method.
Dropdown box
Verification formatDon't checkSelect the verification format.
positive integer
Pure number
Pure letter
Date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
Minimum lengthPlease enter a number from 1 to 500. If you leave it blank, it means there is no limit.
Maximum length
RequiredyesSelect whether it is required.
Unique or notyesSelect whether the item is unique.
search criteriayesSelect whether to add search criteria.
Search byAbsolute matchSelect the search method.
Fuzzy matching
Interval matching
List displayyesSelect whether to display in the list.
Display orderPlease count in numbers from 1 to 100. The smaller the number, the higher the order.
Export or notyesSelect whether it is an export item.
modifyModify the field details.
deleteDelete this field.
Modify nameModify the list name.
deleteDelete this list.
日志管理Log managementsearchOperator nameQuery log records by operator name.
IPQuery log records by IP.
domain nameQuery log records by domain name.
Operating instructionsQuery the log records according to the operation instructions.
Page addressQuery log records by page address.
Start and end dateFilter log records by start and end dates.
detailsLog descriptionDisplay log operation instructions.
timeDisplays the operation time.
OperatorDisplays the operator.
IPDisplays the operation IP.
portDisplays the operation port information.
domain nameDisplays the domain name.
operating systemDisplays the operating system.
browserDisplays the action browser.
pageDisplay the operation page.
detailsDisplay operation details.

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